外資系大手IT企業のDX Strategy Consultantの求人
DX Strategy Consultant
As a strategic consultant, we provide comprehensive IT solutions to top global and domestic clients in the upstream phase, including planning of company-wide DX strategies, consulting on work process optimization in each business area, and IT solution design.
We provide comprehensive IT solutions in the upstream phase, from planning company-wide DX strategies and consulting on work process optimization in each business area to IT solution design.
We are looking for a person who can lead the CXO to propose business transformation and business creation, and then lead the implementation.
・Provide the following support for DX.
(1) Support for formulating a long-term vision and concept
(2) Support for medium-term strategy formulation (platform and data strategy)
(3) Support for new business concept development
●Mission/Job Description:
Japanese companies need reliable realization of DX. However, there are a wide variety of issues to be addressed, including the formulation of long-term strategies or their execution, integration of strategies across divisions, and strategies using data and platforms.
We have a strategy consulting function, a UIUX design function, and a development capability in our pipeline with a rich CXO, and you will be responsible for solving and executing on this comprehensive combination of issues.
In this role, you will face the CXO and have a broad scope of support from upstream strategy to execution. We are looking for someone who can combine the expertise of each of these responsibilities and be responsible not only for upstream but also for execution.
We provide comprehensive IT solutions in the upstream phase, from planning company-wide DX strategies and consulting on work process optimization in each business area to IT solution design.
We are looking for a person who can lead the CXO to propose business transformation and business creation, and then lead the implementation.
・Provide the following support for DX.
(1) Support for formulating a long-term vision and concept
(2) Support for medium-term strategy formulation (platform and data strategy)
(3) Support for new business concept development
●Mission/Job Description:
Japanese companies need reliable realization of DX. However, there are a wide variety of issues to be addressed, including the formulation of long-term strategies or their execution, integration of strategies across divisions, and strategies using data and platforms.
We have a strategy consulting function, a UIUX design function, and a development capability in our pipeline with a rich CXO, and you will be responsible for solving and executing on this comprehensive combination of issues.
In this role, you will face the CXO and have a broad scope of support from upstream strategy to execution. We are looking for someone who can combine the expertise of each of these responsibilities and be responsible not only for upstream but also for execution.
●Required Technical and Professional Expertise
Experience in business strategy and management strategy divisions, including experience at consulting firms and operating companies.
Experience in BtoB customer problem-solving work.
Experience in
(1) negotiating with clients,
(2) identifying and analyzing issues,
(3) creating proposals and implementation plans, and
(4) planning and executing projects.
Work related to strategy formulation: research and analysis, preparation of documents (Excel and PowerPoint), and presentations.
Work related to project promotion: review and execution of workshops, work management (to-do and issue management), preparation of meeting minutes, etc.
※Candidate for manager:
Experience in a consulting firm.
Experience in strategy, management, business, IT, operations, industry, etc.
Excluding solution consultants (consultants who aim to sell products).
●Preferred Technical and Professional ExperienceExperience in business strategy and management strategy department in a Japanese company.
Experience in co-creation projects with designers and engineers.
Experience in consulting firms.
Experience in a consulting firm.
Experience in business strategy and management strategy divisions, including experience at consulting firms and operating companies.
Experience in BtoB customer problem-solving work.
Experience in
(1) negotiating with clients,
(2) identifying and analyzing issues,
(3) creating proposals and implementation plans, and
(4) planning and executing projects.
Work related to strategy formulation: research and analysis, preparation of documents (Excel and PowerPoint), and presentations.
Work related to project promotion: review and execution of workshops, work management (to-do and issue management), preparation of meeting minutes, etc.
※Candidate for manager:
Experience in a consulting firm.
Experience in strategy, management, business, IT, operations, industry, etc.
Excluding solution consultants (consultants who aim to sell products).
●Preferred Technical and Professional ExperienceExperience in business strategy and management strategy department in a Japanese company.
Experience in co-creation projects with designers and engineers.
Experience in consulting firms.
Experience in a consulting firm.
- デジタルカスタマーエクスペリエンスのコンサルティング企業でのDCXコンサルタント(業界経験3年〜)/~1200万円/東京都
- データマイニングサービスのリーディングカンパニーでのBIアナリティクスコンサルタント/~800万円/東京都
- 【東京・名古屋・大阪・福岡】クラウド黎明期から市場を牽引し続けるベンチャー企業における DXプロジェクトマネージャー/800万円~1200万円/東京都
- 【フルリモート - 居住地不問】鉄道会社系デジタルコンサルティング企業でのDXコンサルタント(マネージャー)/800万円~/お問い合わせください。
- 【福岡】ITコンサルティング会社でのBXコンサルタント(サステナビリティ/DX・IT(戦略〜実行))/~1600万円/福岡県