【関西】グローバルでサービスを展開する大手外資系ITサービス企業でのSenior Project Manager*Business system development/ Pharmaの求人
Senior Project Manager
Senior Project Manager
This Program is a wide spread service enagagement where Web development, Data analytics, Automation(Power Platform) and SFDC Projects is being delivered. We are enabling the customer to modernize their applications by using latest technologies. The services includes Application support, Application development and migration to cloud.
【Advantage of the position】
The candidate will have opportunity to lead a varied team of around 40-50 members including onsite and offshore, for multiple projects under the same engagement.
The client is one of the more prestiguous Japanese Pharma Major and will offer a unique peak into a mixed American/Japanese experience.
【Career path】
・Lead team of highly skilled professionals in global environment
・Prospect to grow into program management across different industries.
Work closely with project sponsor, cross-functional teams, and assigned project managers to develop the scope, deliverables, required resources, work plan, budget, and timing for new initiatives
Manage program and project teams for optimal return on investment, and coordinate and delegate cross-project initiatives
Identify key requirements for cross-functional teams and external vendors
Develop and manage budget for projects and be accountable for delivering against established business goals/objectives
Work with other Project managers to identify risks and opportunities across multiple projects within the department
Analyze, evaluate, and overcome program risks, and produce program reports for managers an stakeholders
Coordinate internal resources for the flawless execution of Multiple projects
・Ensure that all projects/Programs are delivered on-time, within scope and within budget
・Ensure resource availability and allocation
・Use appropriate verification techniques to manage changes in project scope, schedule and costs
・Measure project performance using appropriate systems, tools and techniques
・Report and escalate to management as needed
Manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders
・Perform risk management to minimize project risks
Establish and maintain relationships with third parties/vendors
【Advantage of the position】
The candidate will have opportunity to lead a varied team of around 40-50 members including onsite and offshore, for multiple projects under the same engagement.
The client is one of the more prestiguous Japanese Pharma Major and will offer a unique peak into a mixed American/Japanese experience.
【Career path】
・Lead team of highly skilled professionals in global environment
・Prospect to grow into program management across different industries.
Work closely with project sponsor, cross-functional teams, and assigned project managers to develop the scope, deliverables, required resources, work plan, budget, and timing for new initiatives
Manage program and project teams for optimal return on investment, and coordinate and delegate cross-project initiatives
Identify key requirements for cross-functional teams and external vendors
Develop and manage budget for projects and be accountable for delivering against established business goals/objectives
Work with other Project managers to identify risks and opportunities across multiple projects within the department
Analyze, evaluate, and overcome program risks, and produce program reports for managers an stakeholders
Coordinate internal resources for the flawless execution of Multiple projects
・Ensure that all projects/Programs are delivered on-time, within scope and within budget
・Ensure resource availability and allocation
・Use appropriate verification techniques to manage changes in project scope, schedule and costs
・Measure project performance using appropriate systems, tools and techniques
・Report and escalate to management as needed
Manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders
・Perform risk management to minimize project risks
Establish and maintain relationships with third parties/vendors
・12-15 years of experience as a onsite Project Manager
・Experience in Managing multiple projects
・Solid background with managing Japaneese customers
・Excellent client-facing and internal communication skills
・Native level of Japanese skill is required to understand existing systesm specification and design documents
・English skill is nice to have
・Experience in Managing multiple projects
・Solid background with managing Japaneese customers
・Excellent client-facing and internal communication skills
・Native level of Japanese skill is required to understand existing systesm specification and design documents
・English skill is nice to have
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