外資系大手IT企業のIndustry Consultant - Industrial & Distribution Servicesの求人
Industry Consultant - Industrial & Distribution Se
With the rise of new technologies and services, there is a growing momentum to radically change the operating model of the past.
In doing so, we are challenging the management strategy and technology strategy of the manufacturing and distribution industry to use global knowledge, solve management challenges with our latest technologies, and create a new business with new innovations.
We aim to consult not only on the advancement and efficiency of complex business systems, but also on creative creation of the future with cutting-edge technology.
Specifically, from the formulation of an IT strategy based on a management strategy,
We will be responsible for the planning and management of each upstream to downstream process (business design, system design, development, and testing) in the realization of a transformation that leverages IT systems.
In this position, we will recruit consultants who can take charge of various projects from proposal to execution for customers in the manufacturing and distribution industries.
The eligible customers will be the national and global clients representing Japan, such as automobiles, machinery, general electronics, heavy industries, factories, aviation, logistics, warehouses, and travel industries.
Working with the study of advanced solutions, solution sales and other roles, both within and outside the country,
Oversee and manage development projects that require near-term construction on the cloud, such as proposing, managing and managing large application development projects, leveraging cutting-edge technologies on the cloud, and proposing, developing, building, and utilizing cutting-edge IT technologies to address the challenges of clients.
In doing so, we are challenging the management strategy and technology strategy of the manufacturing and distribution industry to use global knowledge, solve management challenges with our latest technologies, and create a new business with new innovations.
We aim to consult not only on the advancement and efficiency of complex business systems, but also on creative creation of the future with cutting-edge technology.
Specifically, from the formulation of an IT strategy based on a management strategy,
We will be responsible for the planning and management of each upstream to downstream process (business design, system design, development, and testing) in the realization of a transformation that leverages IT systems.
In this position, we will recruit consultants who can take charge of various projects from proposal to execution for customers in the manufacturing and distribution industries.
The eligible customers will be the national and global clients representing Japan, such as automobiles, machinery, general electronics, heavy industries, factories, aviation, logistics, warehouses, and travel industries.
Working with the study of advanced solutions, solution sales and other roles, both within and outside the country,
Oversee and manage development projects that require near-term construction on the cloud, such as proposing, managing and managing large application development projects, leveraging cutting-edge technologies on the cloud, and proposing, developing, building, and utilizing cutting-edge IT technologies to address the challenges of clients.
●Required Technical and Professional Expertise
Not all are required.This is a position where you can take advantage of your experience, such as:
-Consulting experience in manufacturing and distribution areas in consultation firms
-Project experience in manufacturing and distribution areas in IT vendors or SIer
-Experience in information systems, IT planning
-Manufacturing and distribution industry solutions planning, sales experience
-Manufacturing and distribution industry operations, and systems development and design experience (PLM、GOM、MES、SCM、CRM、SAP、FSI、Oracle, etc.)
●Preferred Technical and Professional Experience
<IT Consultant>
-Planning a digital strategy based on a management strategy
-Design new solutions and drafting proposals using the latest technologies
-Promotion and management of systems development projects to enable IT transformation
-Build approaches and relationships with CxO and LOBs
-Renewal of existing solutions, new services and new feature proposals
-Promotion of sales to achieve the Solution Business Target (Contract High, Sales and Count)
-Submission of solution information internally and externally
-Management Strategy Consulting for Customers including Manufacturing and Distribution
-Medium-to long-term management planning, plan the DX vision of corporate and individual customers, and the head office planning division
-Development of DX Strategy and Policy Roadmap based on DX Strategy, Human Resources
-Development Planning Implementation support for policy roadmaps and human resource development (accompaniment consulting)
-Experience in formulating management strategies in the business planning department of a business company in the manufacturing and distribution industry
-Experience with Management Strategy Consulting in the Manufacturing and Distribution Sector in Consulting Firm
<Process Consultant>
-Business reform consulting for customers such as manufacturing and distribution
-A combination of SaaS-type business packages and AI workflows to reinvent operations
-Business planning experience in the planning department of a business company in the manufacturing and distribution industries
-Experience with Business Reform Consulting in the Manufacturing and Distribution Sector in Consulting Firm
Not all are required.This is a position where you can take advantage of your experience, such as:
-Consulting experience in manufacturing and distribution areas in consultation firms
-Project experience in manufacturing and distribution areas in IT vendors or SIer
-Experience in information systems, IT planning
-Manufacturing and distribution industry solutions planning, sales experience
-Manufacturing and distribution industry operations, and systems development and design experience (PLM、GOM、MES、SCM、CRM、SAP、FSI、Oracle, etc.)
●Preferred Technical and Professional Experience
<IT Consultant>
-Planning a digital strategy based on a management strategy
-Design new solutions and drafting proposals using the latest technologies
-Promotion and management of systems development projects to enable IT transformation
-Build approaches and relationships with CxO and LOBs
-Renewal of existing solutions, new services and new feature proposals
-Promotion of sales to achieve the Solution Business Target (Contract High, Sales and Count)
-Submission of solution information internally and externally
-Management Strategy Consulting for Customers including Manufacturing and Distribution
-Medium-to long-term management planning, plan the DX vision of corporate and individual customers, and the head office planning division
-Development of DX Strategy and Policy Roadmap based on DX Strategy, Human Resources
-Development Planning Implementation support for policy roadmaps and human resource development (accompaniment consulting)
-Experience in formulating management strategies in the business planning department of a business company in the manufacturing and distribution industry
-Experience with Management Strategy Consulting in the Manufacturing and Distribution Sector in Consulting Firm
<Process Consultant>
-Business reform consulting for customers such as manufacturing and distribution
-A combination of SaaS-type business packages and AI workflows to reinvent operations
-Business planning experience in the planning department of a business company in the manufacturing and distribution industries
-Experience with Business Reform Consulting in the Manufacturing and Distribution Sector in Consulting Firm
- 有限責任監査法人トーマツ/【急募】大手監査法人でのSAP監査業務/アドバイザリー/~800万円/東京都
- 金融機関向けシステムソリューション開発会社でのデータドリブンコンサルタント*立ち上げ中核メンバー/800万円~2000万円/東京都
- 有限責任監査法人トーマツ/【勤務地 名古屋】大手監査法人でのITコンサルタント(ITアドバイザリー)/~800万円/愛知県
- PwCコンサルティング合同会社/外資系コンサルティングファームでのHRテクノロジー戦略コンサルタント【東京/大阪】/1000万円~1800万円/お問い合わせください。
- 【大阪】大手シンクタンク系SIでの人事・給与システム導入コンサルタント/~800万円/大阪府
- 【大阪】大手電機メーカーグループでのHomeIoT/エネマネ/EV活用ソリューション向けクラウドシステムのクラウドシステム設計/インフラ構築/~800万円/大阪府
- 大手バイアウトファンド投資先(人材関連ビジネス)企業での社内SE(メンバー)/~800万円/東京都
- 【大阪】国内有数の農業機械メーカーでの小型建設機械運転席モニタのソフトウェア開発/~1000万円/大阪府
- 【大阪】大手電機メーカーグループでのリチウムイオン電池搭載バッテリーパック/システムの回路設計(動力・民生・産業用途)/~800万円/大阪府
- 大手通信サービス会社での事業企画・プロジェクト推進(マネージャー) /グリーントランスフォーメーション/~1400万円/東京都
- テクニカルスキルを活かして、リアルビジネスも手掛けるコンサルティングファームへ(40代/男性/私立大学卒)
- 事業会社から大手ITコンサルティング会社へ(50代/男性/私立大学卒)
- 大手Sierから金融 ・ 決済領域を中心とした事業開発を行う企業へ(20代/男性/私立大学卒)
- 新たなチャレンジ、大手監査法人へ(20代/女性/国立大学卒)
- ユーザー系システム子会社から「発注側支援」の大手ITコンサルティング会社へ(40代/男性/私立大学卒)
- 日系大手コンサルティングファームから上場コンサルティングファームへ(20代/男性/私立大学卒)
- リアルビジネスも手掛けるブティック系コンサルティング・ファームへ(40代/男性/私立大学卒)
- プロセス開発の経験を活かして日本を代表する電機・通信機器メーカーへ(40代/男性/国立大学院卒)
- 銀行システム関連業務の知見を活かして、ITコンサルティング企業へ(50代/男性/私立大学卒)
- 事業会社での経験を活かして、ソフトウェアの品質保証、テストサービスを主力事業とするIT企業へ(50代/男性/高等専門学校卒)